Family travel more prominent in 2018


According to, an estimated 88 million Americans are going to take family vacations this year.

Why is this surge of trips occurring? Because of millennials’ desire to travel with family. 44{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of millennials with children are planning on taking a family trip, compared to only 39{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of Generation-Xers and 32{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of baby boomers. Of the 88 million people traveling with their families, 45{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} are planning a trip with a destination outside of the United States. Two years ago, this number was only 36{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86}.

More interesting travel statistics have emerged as well. One of these statistics involves method of transportation: 64{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of people will travel to their destinations by car. For those taking a plane, the top five most likely international destinations include Cancun, Punta Cana, Montego Bay, Rome, and Dublin. 61{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of vacationers will visit beaches and mountains, 59{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} plan on sightseeing, and 56{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} plan on resting and relaxing.

It is a relief, of course, to see that family togetherness is still a prominent part of travel culture.