Five simple ways to De-clutter, De-stress, and Organize your Life


In the wake of the new year(and after scouring my friend’s new lifestyle instagram), I have once again promised myself that I will FINALLY organize my entire life and find the routine that works for me.

Needless to say, I am not totally there (I mean, who really is?).

However, by making a few simple and easy changes to me ~routine~ I can PROUDLY say I am not only more organized, but also less stressed. Truly #blessed.


Okay, I imagine you are EXTREMELY tired of hearing this advice, but I promise it really does work. I’ve always been a paper and pen type gal, so for me, writing in a physical planner has been extremely helpful. I even have a special purple pen that is solely used for jotting in my planner.

Journaling Sharpie Markers GIF by Sharpie - Find & Share on GIPHY

I know ~bullet journaling~ is the new trend, but to be honest, it completely stresses me out. So, I just stick to a regular monthly/weekly/daily/notes type of planner.

If you’re so over writing, or your handwriting is similar to that of a three-year old, try using Google Calendar. It’s super easy to add appointments, coffee dates, or gym sessions to your online, personal calendar.
