6 Pretty Wonderful International News Events that Happened in February 2018


In the spirit of continuing our earlier piece, 21 Pretty Wonderful International News Events that Happened in 2017, here are some positive news stories from this previous month. February was a very difficult month for many people — school shootings and terrorist attacks abroad ran rampant. However, we believe it’s important to focus on the good as well as the bad.

1February 1st

The government of India announced that it would give 500 million people free healthcare. That’s about 7{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of the entire world population. Those who can afford it are generally allotted the best healthcare, leaving those who can’t afford it in the dust. India’s legislation proves that all people deserve access to sufficient medical care.
