95{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of Parkland high school student body returns to school


February 28th, 2018 was the first day that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School opened back up to its students and faculty, reports Time. And 95{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of the student body showed up.

MSDHS, located in Parkland, Florida, was the site of a horrific school shooting that took the lives of 17 people just two weeks ago. Until today, the school was shut down for the mental health of the students and faculty, many of whom have engaged in gun control reform protests since the attack.

Only 15 of the 3,293 students and four of the 215 employees at the high school expressed a desire to transfer to another school or job. 150 counselors showed up to MSDHS on the first day back, as well as 40 therapy dogs. In addition, a “heavy law enforcement presence” will be present on the campus for the remainder of the school year.

On what is certainly a difficult day for thousands of students, “flexibility, support, and love” were said to be prominent among the school community.