Incredible four-year old donates bone marrow to save his little brother’s lives


In South Philadelphia, Michael DeMasi Jr., a four year old boy, plans to donate bone marrow in order to save his (twin) younger brother’s lives. Michael’s brothers suffers from a hereditary immune disease, Chronic Granulomatous Disease, which affects the white blood cells and weakens a person’s ability to fend off disease and infections.

Chronic Granulomatous Disease runs in the DeMasi family. Not only do the twins have the disease, but so does their 9-year-old son, Dominick, who spent the entirety of their first year of life at Children’s Hospital, until he received a life-saving umbilical cord transplant from a stranger.

A transplant may be the only way to save the DeMasi twins’ lives. Michael Jr. was tested and confirmed to be a match for both of the twins.

The bone marrow procedure is set to take place on March 8th and if all goes well, the twins will be able to leave the hospital in April.