Lack of hygiene is the biggest relationship deal-breaker, study finds


Metro reported on March 7th that a lack of cleanliness is the biggest deal-breaker in relationships.

To reach this conclusion, YouGov researchers surveyed British men and women what would cause them to break up with their partners for good. 71{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} of people said that their partner’s cleanliness was vital to the relationship. However, only 21{4b67ba8b923a50fd3c2d318c36d85df0f722be16ef3877469216aec8196f2e86} said that they would be bothered if their partner claimed they cared more about cleanliness than them.

Other factors that people cared about most were intelligence, an easy-going nature, and a similarity in religious and political ideologies.

Metro advises that cleanliness is important not just in romantic relationships but in all relationships.