May is the smartest month to travel


Are you trying to schedule your next vacation? According to Traveller, you should make it during the month of May.

Skyscanner, a travel app, has analyzed all of their bookings for 2017 to reach this conclusion. May provides “affordability and comfort” you’re unlikely to find during the other months.

For one, most people do not travel in May. Since school isn’t out for the summer yet, families usually have to wait until July or August. However, this makes it less crowded and more enjoyable for those without children.

Another benefit of traveling in May is the cost of airline tickets. May is after Easter and before the summer, so most people don’t book airline tickets in the month of May. Finally, May’s weather is perfect for traveling: it’s satisfactorily warm in the Northern hemisphere, and not too cold in the Southern.

No matter where you’re going, what you’re doing, or how you’re getting there, you should consider traveling in May.